Why is the End-Time so confusing?
There is a very interesting concept of the Scriptures that arose in our research of the Ancient Hebrew Pneumatology of the Scriptures, that is not known in our westernized Christian Community.
It is the concept of the Directory of Spiritual Templates. The Scriptures, for those who return to the Garden of Eden, function as a directory of Spiritual Templates, among other applications.
To the Ancient Hebrew Prophets and Priests, — whose lives were dedicated to living and seeing all things through the Paychology of the Name and the Garden of Eden — , every spirit is the expression of a principle.
Therefore, every individual or collective function from a spirit which is the expression of whatever priority that they have chosen to develop their process of reasoning through. This could be either internal (the Spirit — Yahweh), or external (a person, ideal or any member of creation).
For example, if one is using the internal, the question that develops one’s rationalization is: What is the spiritually equitable resolve? (The Spirit is the priority). This I called using Yahweh as your root or walking by the Holy Spirit.
If on the other hand one is using the external (e.g. money as the priority), the question that develops the rationalization is: what is the financially beneficial resolve? This is called using money as your root, or walking by mammon or in the spirit of greed.
The Scriptures turn out to be a directory of spirit. There is a plethora of priorities that people have walked by that can be found in the Scriptures. Simply stated, if anyone chooses the same priority that any particular biblical character chose, the story and end of that character through that spirit functions as a template for what your personal storyline and end would be.
Every spirit was identified like a tree, and everyone who was of that tree would bear the exact fruit.
So, the prophets, Yeshua, and the Apostles usually knew your future once they identified which biblical character your priority or spirit matches.
For example, if you are someone whose priority is sex, then Samson is your template. Just as Samson, you will encounter a partner that will be your weakness, with whom you will open up to. The person will assume the authority to validate you which will cause you to yield your strength to them. Your captivity will lead to your blindness and you will be controlled and manipulated, even unto derision to your own destruction.
This also how Jesus confirmed His death in his interactions with the Pharisees. When the Pharisees sought to kill him, he related them to the father of that template, who was Cain. Cain killed Abel, so he related them to Cain by saying to them, “your father was a murderer from the beginning”. If they are therefore Cain, He was Abel, and the story and end would be the same.
This translates today into eschatology. Due to a lack of understanding concerning this function of the Directory of Spiritual Templates, the westernized Christian Community has been lost for centuries from its very Genesis. No surprise, since westernized Christianity is founded upon fathers who were not of the thought heritage of the Ancient Authors.
How does this apply to eschatology you might ask?
All prophecies in the Bible are very specific to the Circle of the Circumcised, even those of the Book of Daniel and Revelation.
This by default means that the uncircumcised is not, nor were ever included in these prophecies.
Therefore, all of the westernized Christian Community is literally outside of the prophecies of the Books of Daniel and Revelation. This is confirmed by both the Apostles Peter and Paul in their letters.
As a matter of fact, by virtue of prophetic timing and historical records, the Book of Revelation was fulfilled in 70AD. Ergo, the fulfillment was 2000+ years ago.
But, the Book of Revelation is also now included in the Directory of Spiritual Templates. This means that the Template that the Roman Empire fell into in the Scriptures, or the nation that functioned from their priority first i.e. Babylon, is embedded in the Directory of Spiritual Templates, and the Roman Empire is right there with them.
In the time of the Apostles, the Roman Empire took on the same priority that the nation of Babylon in the Scriptures, and therefore functioned in the spirit of Babylon. The Apostle Peter even referred to Rome in his letter as Babylon because of this Scriptural dynamic. The Roman Empire therefore, bore the same fruit and story and suffered the same end.
Today, westernized schools of theology, not familiar with this dynamic of the Ancient Priestly and Prophetic perspectives have surmised various branches of eschatology. From Preterism to Futurism, and Dispensationalism.
All this is, is that even though the prophecy of the Book of Revelation was fulfilled in 70AD, the Book and the nation that is the protagonist of the Book, is now a Spiritual Template. So, any nation or nations that adopt the priority of Ancient Babylon and Rome anytime thereafter, will therefore bear the same fruit, which will seem as though the end time prophecies are happening today.
Same spirit, same story and same end. Same tree, same fruit.
As we look around and apply this very said dynamic to the world today, there are a few templates that nations of the Earth are mirroring, and unfortunately for some, their end will be no different from the originator or father of that spirit.
Every tree reproduces after its own kind.
This by no way means that the end time is in this era in any way. But rather, that there are nations today that are repeating certain templates and the happenings resemble the fulfillment of before.
In conclusion, if we look at this from a different angle, we can say though that today’s eschatological persuasions are technically all right at the same time. They all are fragments of the Ancient Priestly and Prophetic Scriptural Dynamic of the Directory of Spiritual Templates.
The westernized theologian merely identified patterns and labeled them according to what they knew.
Understanding the Scriptures through the lens of the Garden of Eden, brings all the fragments together, and then some.
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