What is the Foundation of Existence?

Zane Pierre
3 min readAug 8, 2023

Many philosophers throughout history have explored the concept of the foundation of existence. Some notable philosophers who have delved into this topic include:

Parmenides: An ancient Greek philosopher who proposed that change and multiplicity are illusory, and that true reality is unchanging and indivisible. He argued that existence is a single, unchanging, and eternal reality.

Plato: Plato’s theory of forms suggests that the material world is a mere reflection of a higher realm of perfect and unchanging forms. He believed that these forms are the true foundation of reality.

Aristotle: Aristotle, a student of Plato, introduced his own philosophy. He believed that reality is composed of substances with inherent properties, and he categorized different types of existence into his system of metaphysics.

Immanuel Kant: Kant explored the nature of existence and reality through his transcendental idealism. He argued that the mind plays an active role in shaping our perception of reality, and that there are limits to what we can know about the ultimate foundation of existence.

Friedrich Nietzsche: Nietzsche questioned traditional metaphysical views and explored the idea that reality is a construction of human perspectives and interpretations. He famously declared that “God is dead,” suggesting a shift away from traditional foundations of existence.

Martin Heidegger: Heidegger’s philosophy centered on the concept of “Being.” He explored the question of the nature of Being and how it relates to human existence, often delving into existential and phenomenological perspectives.

Jean-Paul Sartre: Sartre, an existentialist philosopher, examined questions of existence, freedom, and authenticity. He focused on the individual’s responsibility in creating their own existence and meaning in an often indifferent universe.

Martin Buber: Buber’s philosophy emphasized the I-Thou relationship, exploring the fundamental connections between individuals and the world around them. He discussed the nature of existence within these interpersonal encounters.

Albert Camus: Camus delved into the concept of absurdity, where humans seek meaning in an inherently meaningless universe. He explored the tension between human desire for meaning and the indifference of the universe.

These philosophers have offered various perspectives on the foundation of existence, ranging from metaphysical speculations to explorations of human experience and consciousness. Each has contributed to the rich tapestry of philosophical thought surrounding this profound question in the western world.

Do you know that there is literally no record of any of these philosophers mentioned above in the western civilization, nor any other Scientist or Sage of any other preexisting civilization, commanding Heaven and Earth to their bidding?

The Ancient Israelite Priests, Judges, Prophets, Yeshua and His Apostles did.

If you asked them the question, “What is the foundation of existence?”, their response would be THE NAME: YHVH ELOHIM. Whilst the westernized world has had a very limited and narrow understanding of what a Name is, and even more so, what the Name of God in Biblical Literature is, they understood the Name not only as a Person within which all things exist, but a Cognitive Law that is simultaneously the primary and foundational Law of Physics from which all life and existence thrives.

It is the Law of Physics that is the expression of a Spirit/ Mind, which is its Cognitive Law of Reasoning that gave birth to all preexisting Laws of Physics and ecosystems that thrive without assistance.

This Person revealed Himself. And, those who knew His Name as the Israelites did, Heaven and Earth became a companion to them. Even Albert Einstein, renowned theoretical physicist, a Jew himself, is reported as saying, ‘The most important question a person can ask is, Is the Universe a friendly place?’

This Name, having been given freely to all followers of Christ, the Knowledge of it, had not been passed down, resulting in a suffering and ridiculed community of Believers in Jesus Christ, for multiple centuries.

This Knowledge of the Name was rediscovered in 2018 at the International Institute of Pneumatology.



Zane Pierre

New Thought Leader | Pneumatologist | Self Existent Psychology | Spiritual, Life & Relationship Transformation Expert | Author & Writer | Podcaster| Coach