The Name of God. PART 1
What is the Name of God?
In the Scriptures, there are various Names of God. But, in the progression of the Scriptures all of the various names of God stem from the Name at the Beginning. That is, Yahweh Elohim.
What is the significance of the Name?
In contrast to our westernized, Greco-Roman, system of thinking, that usually only sees names as labels that serve to differentiate one thing from another, the Scriptural paradigm uses Names for the purpose of defining the existence of an entity or being. It defines and gives insight into:
1. How the being exists to Function;
2. How the Physics of the Nature of the being works;
3. How the logic of this being function (Mindset);
4. The title of the species that the being is;
5. The unique authoritative essence and Light signature of the being amidst all creation.
What exactly does this mean?
This means that in contrast to modern day Christian culture that is of the opinion that God is mysterious, the Name of God in the perspective of the Biblical Authors, explained everything that they needed to know about God, to be the image and likeness of God.
The Name is the Principle or Law of God’s Existence. Much like gravity that indicates that one goes up must come down, the Name of God expressed God as a Law of Physics.
All Priests, Prophets, Judges of Israel, Jesus Christ, the Apostles, and everyone that they discipled was taught this. It is the reason why disciples would imitate the Priests, Prophets or Rabbis in every way possible. The Priests, Prophets, and Rabbis took on the the definition of the Name of God as their own as a life commitment, and as a result, were recognized as models of what God in flesh lives like.
Do you know that ALL Scripture was spoken through the Mindset of the Name? The one and only context to the Scriptures, or to the Bible as a whole, is found through the lens of the logic of God’s Name.
If ALL Scriptures disappeared today, the knowledge of the Name of God would be more than sufficient to walk in the Person of God.
“Holy Father, keep them in Your name, the name which You have given Me, so that they may be one just as We are.”
John 17:11 - Jesus Christ