The Centuries-Old Christian Conundrum with the Name of Jesus

Zane Pierre


For centuries within the westernized Christian Community we have been accustomed to the term “in the Name of Jesus” as a phrase that we have used in the capacity of a signature to prayer. For the charismatic Christians this phrase has been used many a times as a phrase to strike fear, in the context of exorcisms, and in the context of healing and the miraculous, as a phrase that conjures spiritual manifestation.

As a result, the experience of those who have brandished the Name on a general note have been disappointing, not being able to reproduce the lifestyle seen by the Prophets, Priests, Judges, the Messiah, neither His Disciples, nor His Apostles. This has yielded sheer frustration in the hearts of many sincere Believers in circumstances that were dire, and for many others disappointment.

But, this is not all. As a result of a lack of understanding of what the Name truly is, Christianity has fallen into sheer disrepute, and is now identified as an illogical faith, a myth, and the Bible a book of stories designed to teach moral lessons. The Bible, understandably so in this case, is now ridiculed as a book of endless moral contradictions, conflicting history, and has been made a laughing stock along with its adherents and enthusiasts. Its dignity, properly diminished.

Frankly, the essence of Christianity has been lost. The hope that it once served to give has waned. And seemingly, the end of Christianity in the Earth is upon us, as we watch how even the trusted mainstream prophets of the land, in moments, lost their reverence, and Believers fell away like eroded ice caps in the Arctic.

But… all is not lost!

The International Institute of Pneumatology is a non-profit research and educational Institute located in the twin island Republic of Trinidad that has been dedicated to finding the answers behind the simple question, “why isn’t Christianity seemingly working today, in the same way that it worked for the Believers of Christ in the New Testament, as well as for the Prophets, Priests, Nazirites and Judges of the Old Testament?”

This apparently has been a difficult question for the modern day Christian Community that many have been evading, but few have really wanted to come to terms with.

“Why isn’t my Faith working?” “Why am I praying and seeing no one being healed?” “Why is Christianity such a mundane lifestyle?” “Why isn’t God saving my marriage, my job, my family, my kids?” “Where are the blessings that the Scriptures promise?” “Why am I sick, if Jesus’ died for me to be well?” These questions can go on, and on..

If any Believer today would hold themselves responsible to the integrity of their own heart, they would have to say that really and truly, they have had internal conflicts with some of these questions, if not all.

Also, among the very Body of Christ, if there was not sufficient disappointment with the powerlessness of the average Believer, there exists within the very Christian Community the same social issues that are present in the world at large. That is, discrimination in the areas of racial distinctions, sexual orientation, social status, economic status, and more. So, not only is there the issue that more than 90% of Believers in Christ have not been able to reproduce the works of Christ, but the very community of the Name of Christ that is seen in the New Testament as a haven for unity and equity, is bearing the opposite in various forms of biases and segregation.

In the perspective of the Garden of Eden, the fruits of the tree reveal the Nature of the tree. This tree is bearing the label of Christ, but bearing fruit that is not Christ.

Cause for alarm? It should be.

One of the specializations of the International Institute of Pneumatology is the identification of the philosophy of the Ancient Hebrew language and how it differs from the philosophy of the modern English language and culture. In comparison to the Ancient Hebrew language, the English language is not only a young language, but a very simple language. As a result of this, in English, the context of the Name of God has not been understood in the same way that the Prophetic Authors of the Bible understood it. English speakers grasp only one seventh of the concept of the Name that the Ancient Authors of the Scriptures, as well as Yeshua and the Apostles comprehended.

For the Ancient Hebrews, predominantly amongst the Priesthood and the Prophets, the Name of God was a culmination of 7 concepts:
Label (Designation)
Function (Principle/ Mindset/ Logic)
The Name is a label that was a title, that defined the function (mindset or logic), determined by the Nature of God’s Spirit. The Nature of the Spirit determined the Species, and identified the Essence of God, and the Realm that His Spirit is (i.e. Heaven).

Unfortunately, as a result of the fact that westernized Christianity was not fathered by the Apostles, nor ancient Hebrew Priests, nor any authority of the thought heritage of the Ancient authored Scriptures, the interpretation of the texts was undertaken by persons who were of the Greco-Roman school of thought.

This means that each and every one of you reading this, cultured by the Greco-Roman system of thought, have only understood the Name through the very first concept of the 7 mentioned above. A label. The philosophy of the English language does not permit the typical untrained westernized thinker to even fathom that the succeeding six concepts are related.

How does this affect the modern day church?
It is very simple. Understanding the Name of God, or the Name of Christ Jesus as a label, does not make it possible for the Christian Community to hold themselves responsible to any of the other six concepts. Therefore, even though the Apostle Paul who said himself that he preached the Gospel as a Priest (alluding to the Priesthood of the Torah), said to the church of Rome “be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind”, the whole westernized Christian Community has no idea that he was referring to the Name of Christ Jesus as a defined Mindset. Living from the Name as a Principle of Logic, through which reasoning what is good and evil is ascertained, and through which all supernatural manifestations are reproduced.

Hence, the Christian conundrum of our civilization. i.e. The multiplicity of the Christian denominations that have all assumed the authority to surmise what the priority of the Bible is. Even Jesus in his prayer indicated that he gave the disciples the Name of the Father, the same Name that the Father gave him. The giving of the Name, or walking in the Name as a disciple of Jesus is completely unknown in our modern church culture. It was however common knowledge or common Psychology to the Ancient Priests, Prophets, Nazirites, Judges of Israel, Yeshua, and His Apostles.

The Name is the psychology from which every thing that is spoken of God in the Bible is spoken from. It is also the Principle of Spiritual Physics through which all supernatural manifestations are reproduced.

At the International Institute of Pneumatology, we have not only been able to identify the entire concept of the Name, but we have subjected the the Principle and Psychology of the Name to over 40,000 hours of pragmatic and experimental research in the reproduction of healing, miracles, authority over creation, as well as a subdivision of 12 areas of life.

The results have been phenomenal.

Our mission now is to both unpack this for the Body of Christ today, and to finally standardize the Pneumatology of all Believers across the globe so that the Bible will find its rightful Pneumatological context, as well as make the Christian Community a Community of the Supernatural. FINALLY AFTER 2000 YEARS of spiritual obscurity.

TO BE CONTINUED… (The Psychology of the Name)

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Zane Pierre

New Thought Leader | Pneumatologist | Self Existent Psychology | Spiritual, Life & Relationship Transformation Expert | Author & Writer | Podcaster| Coach