Rediscovered Laws of Spiritual Dynamics in the Bible
It would be to say the least, exhausting to attempt to capture the full scope of the progression of what modern day society, in general, is familiar with as “Christianity”. Frankly, from the scope of the Scriptures, what is known as Christianity today, as well as what has been known historically as the same, is irrelevant and very much independent of the Bible in its ancient Israelite context and heritage.
According to research carried out by very reputable sources, there are over 2.5 billion Christians in the world today, which accounts for approximately 30% of the total world population which stands at over 7.3 billion. Christianity as is understood today is broadly split into three branches:
- Catholics
- Protestants
- Eastern Orthodox
The Catholic branch is steered by the Pope and Catholic bishops around the globe. The Orthodox (or Eastern Orthodox) is split into independent entities each governed by their Holy Synod. Their governing structure does not include central governance like the Pope of the Catholic Branch. Under the branch of Protestant Christianity, there are numerous denominations, within which their interpretations of the Bible and understanding of the church differs significantly. These differences, have today resulted in discrimination among the adherents of the various denominations, across the world, and more so very prevalently in the United States which is seen to be a hub of Evangelical Christianity publicized by the renowned televangelists.
Of the many denominations, some that exist in the branch of Protestant Christianity are: Baptist, Episcopalian, Evangelist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Pentecostal/Charismatic, Lutheran, Anglican, Evangelical, Assemblies of God, Christian Reform/Dutch Reform, Church of the Nazarene, Disciples of Christ, United Church of Christ, Mennonite, Christian Science, Quaker, Seventh-Day Adventist. There are reportedly, including the subdivisions of the many denominations that exist worldwide, a total of approximately 3000 denominations, of which 1200 exist in the United States alone.
The first two branches of Christianity, Catholics and Eastern Orthodox are clearly and most definitively known to have Greco-Roman roots. Protestant Christianity on the other hand, has become so diverse that Protestant Christians of the 21st century, again as a result of an unfamiliarity with the history of their respective denominations are clueless that their denominations were all started by persons who belonged to a world in which the education of Christ Jesus, the Apostles and even the concepts of the Bible came predominantly from a framework based on what the world knew as Christianity. The founders of these denominations were coined Protestants because of their rebellion against ideologies that belonged to the commonly known Roman Catholic doctrines. Therefore, by default, protestant Christianity in its various and diversified denominations is merely modified Catholicism at its very root, having no relation in any form or fashion to the thought culture of the ancient Israelite heritage of the Scriptures. This of course, without negligence to, and full acknowledgment of the myriads of twists and turns that the interpretation of the Bible has taken, with its various nuances with each twist and each turn, in the progression of westernized Christianity.
This gave rise to many of the well known church fathers, Jerome, Augustine, Ambrose, among others, who each played their part in the shaping of the interpretation of the Scriptures that has been inherited by the various denominations respectively, that still exist today, but objectively, all independent of the ancient Hebrew’s thought heritage of the Scriptures. This simple fact has an abundance of implications both individually and collectively, regarding how the Scriptural texts have been taught to be understood, in comparison to what it is objectively communicating.
I would be bold enough to assert that if the Apostles themselves were by some miracle to return to Earth in this 21st century, they may very well be horrified to come to the realization that the teachings of the Messiah Yeshua in the context within which they were communicated have become obsolete. They would not recognize the vast majority of persons who identify as the “Believers” of today.
One of the most significant differences between the Eastern (ancient Israelite) perspective of the Scriptures and the western (Greco-Roman) perspective, lies within what is referred to as the difference between the concrete system of thought and the abstract system of thought. The concrete attributed to the Eastern and the abstract to the Western.
To put it very simply, at the risk of oversimplifying these perspectives, the concrete system of thought is the expression of concepts and ideas in ways that can be experienced by the five senses. This, within the context of this redaction, means that the Gospel or the Good News as was preached by the Messiah Yeshua and His Apostles could have been experienced by the five senses. Whilst, on the other hand, the abstract system of thought is the expression of concepts and ideas that cannot be experienced by the five senses, but through the mind, and limited to the mind. This perspective dominates, and is the compass of the mind of the westerner. Regarding the Gospel as it is still preached today, it is the world of all the varying perspectives that exists and expressed in the myriads of today’s denominational circles. It is the world of the philosophers and theorists.
Stated differently, the concrete perspective can be likened to a mechanic that understands an engine by practically bringing it into function, while the abstract perspective can be likened to a reader that experiences the engine only in his mind, and theorizes its functions.
All authors of the Bible, in the heritage of their thought culture wrote through the lens of the ancient Hebrew’s concrete system of thought. It is the culture of the Jews, and even more so, the mindset from which the Messiah Himself expressed Himself.
The typical westernized Christian regardless of the branch of Christianity that they identify themselves with, have not awakened to the difference in the system of thought that is the invisible wall through which they are unable to break. It is also the main reason that the westernized Believers are functionally inadequate regarding intentionally expressing the supernatural aspects that Jesus and all of His Apostles are recorded to have so effortlessly and naturally functioned in.
Over a period of six years of pragmatic research and more than 400 investigative experiments later, research at the Zane kai Keturah International Institute of Pneumatology confirmed that the reason that the westernized Christian community have been unable to manifest the supernatural aspects of the Scriptures, rests most definitely in the fact that the philosophical approach to the ancient Hebrew Scriptures is not only the hindrance to its true meaning, but has prevented the western reader from comprehending the Spiritual dynamics that the texts contain. Dynamics that all Priests, Prophets, Apostles and especially the Messiah Yeshua, grasped as common knowledge through which they walked in supernatural evidence.
Research carried on at the Institute with the objective of identifying the Mechanics of the Spirit necessitated that the objective perspective of the Scriptural texts had to be not only identified, but also proven to be accurate via investigative experiments. The research revealed that the Spiritual dynamics found in the text are by no means based on any unexplainable occurrences, but rather through a change in logic that agrees with the energetic construct that is very much defined and elaborated in the text, predominantly found in the Book of Genesis.
In the westernized Christian community the Book of Genesis, especially the first few page of the book, has always been viewed through the lens of the creation of the cosmos/ universe. This perspective, is very foreign to the ancient Israelites. It should be understood that when the Genesis narrative was written, there were no satellites nor telescopes through which they could have understood their environment. The narrative of the first couple chapters of the Book of Genesis was intended in the ancient Israelite culture to communicate the establishment of a Garden Temple, in which Adam was the incarnation of Elohim, in flesh.
To learn more about the Garden Temple, click here for a free PDF done by the Bible Project
For the first time in perhaps centuries, our investigative research has successfully demystified and rediscovered:
- What spirit is, and its physics (how it functions) both energetically and physiologically
- How to energetically synchronize the mind to the energetic realities of one’s spirit (i.e. walk in the Spirit)
- How the Gifts of the Spirit referred to in 1 Corinthians 12 function, mechanically
- How the God of the Bible communicates in all men
- How to eliminate emotional, mental and physical disturbances and sustain emotional, mental and physical health
and much more..
We now refer to these rediscovered principles of Spiritual function as the Laws of Pneumadynamics (Spiritual Dynamics).
The implications of the findings of the research carried out at the Institute will not only have dramatic implications on the divided westernized religious Christian community, identifying and revealing what the New Testament refers to as Christ, as an energetic reality in all human beings, but will also introduce new perspectives to the world of Spirituality, Psychology, Relationships/ Marriages and other areas, not previously known.
Research at the Institute is ongoing.
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