Misappropriation of the Bible

Zane Pierre
3 min readAug 16, 2021


One of the things that has never been taught in westernized Christianity is the context of the application of the Law. This is found in Exodus 34:5–6.

In the context of the ancient Hebrew Scriptures, the title, and definition of the title (Breath), through which the Law, any instructions, or blessings are spoken, sets the context and precedent for its application and/ or fulfillment. This remains concretely consistent for the interpretation of the acts of God as well throughout ALL Scriptures.

In Exodus 34:5–6, the definition was established. The definition of God’s Name Yahweh Elohim. The definition is an antonymous couplet.

The first half dictates how the Law should be applied to the humble and sincere. The second half determines how the Law should be applied to the arrogant and indifferent to integrity to the character of the Name of God that they contractually took on as their own, as well as, to the equity of all.

The application throughout the Bible is that the only persons that face destruction from God in the Scriptures are those who meet the criteria of the arrogant and indifferent. This is also found in the New Testament.

This concept of definitions and their application in the ancient Hebrew Scriptures, of course, is not taught in westernized Christianity, so we were left to apply our pursuit of emotional validation to the Bible lol, but more importantly westernized Christianity surmised the decisions of the God of the Bible to be “WRATHFUL”, “SOVEREIGN” and “MYSTERIOUS”.

In the Messiah JESUS was the original context of the Torah restored, as was given to Moses. The context was lost, and the Law fell into misuse and abuse, as was evident by the Pharisees. Jesus alluded to the Breath of the Law in Exodus 34:5–6, by reenacting the writing of the Law on the Stone, in the case of the woman that was caught in adultery. Her humility and sincerity despite her act inspired the first half of the definition, compassion, grace and lovingkindness. The Pharisees on the other hand, fully aware of their manipulation walked away when Jesus demonstrated that they were the arrogant ones by asking the question, “he who is without sun, cast the first stone”. Their response to casting a stone, if they did, would have confirmed their arrogance and indifference which would have justified their destruction. Knowing this, they walked away.

The culture and thought heritage of the Hebrew Scriptures have not been taught to the westernized or modern day Christian community. This has led to surmising and presumptions that have been promulgated in ways that have resulted in Mental Health issues, promotion of physical sickness and the glorification of death. Not to mention, the fabrication of doctrines on hell etc etc etc.

I strongly assert at the Zane kai Keturah International Institute of Pneumatology that if your interpretation of the Scriptures is not leading and confirming you in a State of Existence defined by the Fruit of the Spirit, then your definitions are erroneous.

Our experimental research shows that the Principle of God’s Name generates Life and Peace. If you have been experiencing the opposite, you have been duped, and duped terribly.


The Law was never intended to be the Compass of Morality that Christianity has asserted it to be. It was a users Manual to walk out the Name of God that is the Identity of Mankind, so that they could generate Life in the physical model and symbol of the Garden in Eden.

If you use any users manual as a Compass of Morality for your personal validation, you and the equipment that the manual is meant for are screwed.

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Zane Pierre
Zane Pierre

Written by Zane Pierre

Christ Pneumatologist | Divine Leadership | Spiritual, Life & Relationship Transformation Expert | Author & Writer | Podcaster| Coach

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