The Name, not Theology!

Zane Pierre


If you want to walk in manifestation mechanically, the Name must be you ONLY “theology”.

And, I say this, and use “theology” loosely.

Why? …

The thing is about our Greco-Roman way of thinking and processing information, is that whilst the Name in the Bible is a very practical principle that is applied to all spectrums and aspects of creation, much like a formula, a stencil or a template, “theology” is merely belief in concepts that are very rarely practical and applicable.

In other words, “theology” in our culture is purely mental. It is abstract. What is generally referred to as “theology” is a series of ideas that we hold to be the “the Truth”.

The Believer of these series of ideas feels a sense of justification, all by virtue of merely agreeing with the series of ideas, respectively. It is purely in the loftiness of the mind. It is not practical. It cannot be applied to any life issues, it cannot heal you. It is merely giving a sense of security gained by the justification of mentally assenting to the series of ideas.

The Name on the other hand, is quite the opposite.

The Name of God i.e. Yahweh Elohim (Yehoshua) is not only a practically apply-able principle, but it is a value. It is a compass. It is a template. It is the Law of Physics. And, above all, it is the key to the Mind of God. The Mind of Christ.

If you have a spiritual challenge, it can be diagnosed by virtue of the Name. If you can’t understand the context of the Bible, it can be perfectly understood by means of the Name. If you have relationship challenges, holding the relationship dynamics responsible to the principle of functionality in the Name, will bring all things to outstanding synergetic union.

The Name is the principle upon which all creation exists.

On that note, this is a wake up call to all Believers, both young and experienced. Theology is fancy, and would have you a proponent of a preacher of the ideas, Scriptural debates, and defending it with lofty mental justification.

The Name on the other hand is a principle of Functionality. It is the Law that makes all creation work. You can build a relationship and even understand authority by applying the template of its physics.


There will never be a time when you will not know what to do.

The veracity of the Name can be practically verified. You can apply it and see it’s function.

But, Theology is purely mental gymnastics and philosophical correctness.

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Zane Pierre

New Thought Leader | Pneumatologist | Self Existent Psychology | Spiritual, Life & Relationship Transformation Expert | Author & Writer | Podcaster| Coach