Are your Reading about GOD or about YOURSELF?

Zane Pierre
6 min readMay 26, 2024

The Garden of Eden in the Genesis narrative is specifically designed to communicate the Name that God takes as a Man and the nature of that Name. This being placed at the very beginning of the Torah sets the precedent for how the rest of the Scriptures (Torah, Prophets and Sacred Writings) should be interpreted. It is the character of the Name through which one must read the literature.

Why is this important?

It is not just important but very important, because the society, so to speak, within which the Torah, Prophets and Sacred Writings were birthed necessitated that one makes the Name of God one’s own, which includes its principle and logic (based on its nature) to be able to accurately interpret the texts. This is no different from an electrician who must become an electrician to be able to comprehend the literature on electricity.

In this case, if a plumber takes up the same literature on electricity, he or she will use the logic of a plumber to interpret the literature on electricity and have an interpretation based on his principles as a plumber.

The manual doesn’t provide the logic for its instructions. Only the person with the logic of the technician can truly understand the manual. His logic provides the rationale.

What this mean for you?

This is even more important. You are reading literature that depends on this particular spirit or posture (its Principle, Character or Logic) to provide the rationale for what is happening.

Western civilization doesn’t write literature like this. It is not a common idea, except for manuals. Westerners read hoping for the literature itself to educate them, providing the reader with the rationale.

Whilst westerners view life from the perspective of the spectator (seeing all things outside of himself and defining things by external comparison), Biblical Literature was written by ancient circumcised Israelites. -(Circumcision representing a decision to return to the Garden, where all things are seen through function). They saw life from the perspective of a creator (all things being an expression of their inner selves).

This text is uniquely designed to be interpreted from the standpoint of the principle, character (function) and logic of a Name which is the title of a spirit — i.e. YHVH. (This is why only Priests whose vocation was to be the Person of YHVH was delegated with the responsibility of teaching the Literature).

Yeshua identified as a High Priest!

This fact is not commonly known in the western world. Not even in the world of theology. That means that because the literature is framed for the principle, character and logic of a spirit to provide the rationale for what is being read, and not the other way around, however one is interpreting the literature or the conclusions that one is drawing from the literature, is in fact a revelation of themselves.

It is a self-revelation of one’s own principle, one’s own character and one’s own logic, and what one’s own priority in their own lives (even though it may not be evident AS YET, in their present circumstance) would create if it was permitted the opportunity. One is reading through their own sense of validation.

Your own validation will give the reasons, and so you are reading YOU!

If you are someone who sees life through moral validation, you will see the bible through the perspective of that which God does and says as approval of one’s moral correctness, and anything negative is understood as one being “corrected” by God. God is interpreted as a disciplanarian and so you feel fear. As a result you read looking for the criteria to be pleasing to God.

If you see life through emotional validation, (one of the most common priorities in the western civilization) you will see the bible through the the lens of that which happens in favor and affirmation of people is good, but that which happens against one and calls one to responsibility as evil (harsh and insensitive). God can even be seen as wrathful. As a result you read looking for passages that make you feel approved.

If you see life through material things and having money as validation (aka poverty is your priority) you will read the literature through the mindset of poverty as invalidation and wealth as validation. God is seen as the financial benefactor and your prosperity is the validation of your spirituality.

Biblical Literature is uniquely designed to be read through the posture of a particular spirit (the principle, character and logic of YHVH), its construct is inherently framed for the posture of that particular spirit to provide the reasons for decisions made and for all respective happenings.

As a by product, if one is not using the posture of YHVH to be able to rationalize, one’s conclusions are merely a revelation of oneself, one’s own principle, one’s own character and one’s own logic. One’s own validation!

You are watching a mirror!

Before I wrap this up, I think it is also necessary for me to address another related point.
There are many Christians in the world today that tend to take a very defensive posture when it comes to Biblical Interpretation by saying that they do not need for anyone to teach them the Bible because they have the Holy Spirit.

If you understand what you just read, then you would understand that we are saying the same thing. The Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of YHVH. The Apostles did not know the Holy Spirit as “mystically” as the western Christian culture does, the Apostles knew the Holy Spirit by the Name YHVH.

We can even say that Jesus discipling in the Name, as John wrote in John 17, is discipling in the Holy Spirit. The Name and the Spirit are one and the same as the Name is the Title of God, and therefore His Spirit.

Without the Name, your understanding of the Holy Spirit is mysterious. And you are truly teaching yourself through your pre-existing system or reference point of validation.

Hence, the reason for 3000 denominations (biblical interpretations) in 2024.

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P.S. The posture of YHVH is Integrity to self-existent (and self-determining) Life, and Equity of Self-Existent Life (and self-determining Life for ALL!

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Zane Pierre
Zane Pierre

Written by Zane Pierre

Christ Pneumatologist | Divine Leadership | Spiritual, Life & Relationship Transformation Expert | Author & Writer | Podcaster| Coach

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