5 Bible Myths Destroying Your Peace
5 Myths about the Bible once destroyed, will change your Life Experience:
- The Bible is a Book of God’s Commandments, mandatory to all humanity.
The Bible starts with the Torah which was a Covenant with criteria for only those meeting the criteria to re-enter the atmosphere of the Garden of Eden (aka Heaven).
Anyone else was not held responsible to its criteria.
2. The Bible is about how man was separated from God (or even Vice versa). Therefore, the Cross of Christ Jesus united man with God again.
The concept of separation from God does not exist in the Bible. It is a concept uniquely fabricated in the western (Greco-Roman) Christian church.
The Bible communicates that man created the identity and species of death. Since death was made an eternal statute, Christ reaped death on behalf of mankind and restarted the species with a new breath through resurrection. Mankind. now has the capacity to return to LONG LIFE possessing self-generating Life..
3. The Gospel was preached to prevent man from going to hell.
The same Gospel that is preached to us was preached to Abraham, as well as the nation of Israel in the wilderness. Hell was not mentioned to Abraham nor Israel in the wilderness. Therefore, Hell is independent of the Gospel message.
The Gospel message is salvation from death and its effects. Since Jesus gave the species a new breath, using the Spirit in you as the Source of your intelligence reproduces eternal life and power. (Death is now the fruit of a mindset. The result of living through external sources of Wisdom).
4. Everything that Paul says in the New Testament are New Covenant laws to please God.
Paul preached the Gospel as a Priest. The priority of a Priest is to establish and maintain SPIRITUAL EQUITY. Therefore, every instruction that Paul gave was very specific to the restoration of equity specifically in the community that he addressed his letters to.
This means for example that his instructions to women to remain quiet were not commandments to all women, but instructions to disruptive and self-indulgent women in that particular community.
5. The Book of Revelation is about to be fulfilled. The signs and prophecies are being fulfilled.
The Book of Revelation was fulfilled as an event in 70AD.
After Adam gave birth to death by means of changing his system of intelligence, the Ancients understood that the catalyst for every happening was a mindset. Therefore, the Bible by virtue of the law of sowing and reaping also functions as a directory of spirit/ mindset.
This means that after the actual prophetic fulfillment as an event, the Book of Revelation serves as a reminder (after the event) that anyone or any nation that adopts the mindset of Babylon in Revelation will repeat their experience and their end.